HELPERS WANTED, Sausage Sizzle 31st of May, Plainland Hardware
We are holding a fundraising sausage sizzle/stall at the Plainland Hardware on Saturday 31st May, commencing at approx 8am.
This is a call to arms/tongs for those available to volunteer on the day, whether it be for the full day (8-1:30pm) or just an hour or two. Maybe you can't make it on the day but would like to bake a sweet treat or healthy alternative for the stall - remembering that all proceeds from the day are for the club.
If you would like to help out or you're up to the challenge of some baking (please package as individual serves in clear wrap for selling) then let me know! I can be contacted via email at or call 0438 166 488.
And a huge thank you must go out to the Home Hardware Plainland who provide this opportunity for fund raising and even supply the snags!
Kate "Frantically running around with a LEGS cap-in-hand" Burns